Thursday, March 15, 2018

Facebook Posting #6


"Usually I use Facebook to advertise and get off . Tonight I'm serious looking out there to all of you to get your opinion to perhaps the craziest stunt I've ever done by far.  Please don't hold back and be very open and honest . 

Here goes : In 1968 a 16 -year old girl has a baby and her father makes her leave this baby at the orphanage . Yes this baby was me. I would eventually be adopted by the most amazing parents with the greatest siblings ever.

A year ago this woman became sick and this family found me and her only wish was to meet me before she died and I obliged . She is a sweet person who has had a horrific life . Her daughter was murdered, her three oldest kids put away forever in jail and other son is missing . So the only one left in her life is me, I've met her three times . Today at HOSPICE I visited her and we talked as much as possible as her every organ has cancer . 

She has been searching for her daughter's murderer for 23 years and has lived in police departments begging for help . Even today she was so distraught dana's killer was never caught . I have seen police officers do the most amazing volunteer work and help people that I had a very crazy , crazy idea. Have a police officer friend, relative or local meadowbrook police officer come to the hospital and tell her that the killer has been captured and will never hurt anyone again. This lie would make her thrilled the last days of her life and give her the peace she sought after forever. She could die as Justice has been served. She has days to live and is a lie always a bad thing?"

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