Sunday, December 11, 2016


Facebook Posting #4
November 1, 2016

I continue to marvel at what people post on Facebook.  This one caught my attention today as did the response form a complete stranger.

POSTING: To all people in suck. For a state that's logo you got a friend in guess why no one knows how to be one learn what your mama never taught you. Respect your elders respect yourself do to others what you want done to you don't lie steal and don't ask me for what you can get don't ask me for shit.Brian give me my fucken money. If someone saves your life say thank you uungrateful bitch wasn't worth the trouble. I'm getting my boys outa here someway to grow up2 be men not bitches and where females are squirrels trying to get a nut.police are tough for nothing watch out now I'm on their done

RESPONSE FROM A COMPLETE STRANGER:  I'm In Pa. And If You Think You Are Better Than Me, Fuck You.

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