Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Bomb Them All!!! (HI)

We are sitting at a bar, in the airport. He is waiting to go home. I am waiting to start my vacation. We get on the topic of ISIS.
He speaks with the tone of a wise man, one who has all the answers, “I tell you, I know exactly what to do. You want to know what to do about this? You remember what we did to Hitler? Bomb them. Bomb every last one of them. Just like Hitler.”
But I tell him, this enemy is different. “With Hitler, we knew where to find him and all of his soldiers wore the same uniform. These guys are everywhere”.
“I know, can you fucking believe it. They’re in London and Paris. Shit, they’re everywhere”. We gotta stop them, NOW!” Now his voice has a little desperation as he speaks.
“So where do you drop bombs, everywhere?” I ask a little smugly.
“Yea, everywhere. East of the Mississippi. Every fuckingwhere”.
About 40
Former teacher, bartender, now a salesman
Honolulu Airport

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