Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The KKK (MD)

The KKK advertised a meeting in the local paper.  Held at the county administration office, it was open to the public.  So I went. So did 60 other people and much to my surprise and delight, most people, like me, came in protest.

"We don't want your hate in this county" seemed to be the majority opinion.

The leader assured us that this was the new and improved KKK.  They were not about hatred and bigotry.  They just wanted a place where people who were of European descent, Christian and 100% heterosexual could meet and talk about their issues.

As the crowd argued amongst each other, one woman got up and announced, "I don't know why everyone hates the KKK.  We just want a place where white folks can go.  We just wants to be by ourselves.  No one ever complains about AARP just wants old people."

December, 2013

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