Saturday, September 30, 2017

Facebook Post #5


I did not write this rant.  It showed up on a friend's wall.  But it clearly shows the degree of hate and bigotry we have in this country. 

 FYI: much of this language can be offensive to you.

Rant #467...
Apparently, I need to be more selective in hanging onto old friends...this was a recent exchange that begs mention:
(The following is in a private message forum, of course, and don't bother to prod for more info - he, who shall not be mentioned, is no longer worth hanging onto):

Douchebag: Why are there so many of your white girl Facebook friends that have black children?
Me: I don't think there are many, but I dunno...I have no idea, because life happens bro. Why the hell are you asking me that? What's your issue? Really?
Douchebag: That's a total f****** unnatural tragedy dude! C'mon man...
Me: You serious, bro?? You been drinking awhile, dumbass? Never pegged you as one of those guys...
Douchebag: What the hell...why are you not sick about that shit? I hate seeing it...
Me: Because I'm not racist, you dickhead, and it ain't none of my business in the process....what the hell are you talking about???????? Why you trippin?? (Heehee - just to see how he reacts...)
Douchebag: I thought we were friends, man, how does that shit not make you sick?? You switch it up bro??
Me: We must not know each other well enough after 20+ years, asshole...Because I'm friendly with these women, friendly with anyone who is friendly back....I don't see a problem with what their children look like, dude. Knock that shit off....
Douchebag: F*#% off, you n*****lover!
Me: Wow. Bye bye scumbag. I'm gonna tell your mommy on you....
.......damn! That stuff makes me angry.
I'm 41 years old, friends with this ass for a long time, and this is very revealing. You think you know someone..... Really?
End rant.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Facebook Post #3

from one of my friends:

"As I celebrate my 28th birthday today, I look back on years past... So much time wasted escaping life instead of enjoying it. In this moment I can say that I am grateful for where I am, despite the path I took to get here. I have found strength within myself that has come from all the bullshit I've endured... But got through. So here I am, alive and breathing... And I will continue to appreciate that each day forward."