Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Facebook Post #2
A young man, around 35 years old

When I was In prison, I was diagnosed with tumors on my spinal cord. I was beat by the guards and inmates, AFTER my surgery!!! I was urinated on and had conospady bags of feeces and Urine through on me etc. I would have WHIPPED they ASS before the surgery😉 It was at that moment... I realized how terrible "a man" I was. I did the same to GROWN ASS men who were able to defend themselves. I HURT ALOT of ppl!!! I robbed and stole to feed my addiction, whipped more asses thenMike Carmonae Tyson.

I gained empathy and GREW understanding "Of Self" through my ordeal. 2ndly I realized the guards and inmates wanted to ROB and STEAL me, of my PORPOSE, they wanted to STEAL my DRIVE, my dreams and aspirations. They REMINDED me I was a cripple.. They wanted me to FEEL defeated. Today is the LAST day I can file suit, to sue the D.O.C

There's NO price tag on my PEACE of mind and soul. I forgave and moved on, hoping when my day comes to ask those "I TRULY hurt" for forgivness. Better yet, today I pay it forward and live my life Never allowing my current situation to make me BITTER, only BETTER.Micah Harmss *FORGIVNESS and letting go, has freed and unburdened me.

Saturday, October 8, 2016