Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Washed Up

Lego Exhibit- DE

Lego Exhibit- DE

Where would someone start on a project like this??  What is the first piece laid?  Is the entire project laid out through a CAD program or something?   Could anyone make something like this?  

These models are above my skill level.

Crossing The Border

Crossing the Border 
from Canada to New York 

It's always nice to come home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

TV Antenna

TV Antenna

I don't know when everyone got rid of their TV antennas but I never, ever see any anymore, except for my neighbor so still proudly displays this antique on his roof.  It serves no purpose other than offer a resting spot for birds. I wonder if he will take it down or will it eventually just fall down.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Apple Truck- PA

Apple Truck
Interstate 76 West
Somewhere near Pittsburgh, PA
September 2015

This truck was in front of me and I noticed a few things fall out of it.  I couldn't tell what it was at first but as I got closer, I saw that the driver was hauling thousands of apples.  I got the hell out of his way.  I had visions of me being pelted by flying apples.  I think he could have used a trap or something.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Broken- MD

Perryville, MD

I have watched this house fall in to this degree of decay over the last seven years.  It sits on someone's property. As it falls apart, I find the piece to be more and more interesting to me.  I wonder when this roof will finally collapse.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tribe Transpotation

Native American, Woman Owned Business
Raphine, VA
April 2016

I wonder how many female truck drivers there are in our country.  I wonder how many women own this type of business.  And I wonder how many of them are native American.  My guess is that this woman stands alone in her category.

Monday, August 15, 2016

What About The Cats and Birds and Things?

What About the cats and Birds and Things
A Cathedral in DC
May 2016

What about the cats and birds and reptiles and other fury animals?  Do they ever get blessed?So is this a dog privilege church? All pets matter.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Heading to the Bird feeder

Heading to the Bird Feeder

North East River
Carpenter's Point, MD

These two leave the beach every day and head up to my neighbor's bird feeder.  They feast on the seeds that have been picked over by the song birds.  After ten, fifteen minutes, they turn around and head back to the river.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016