Thursday, June 30, 2016

Staring At Me

Canada Geese

I hate these birds.  They don't migrate as much anymore.  So they spend the winter on my river which eventually freezes up at some point.  These frozen water source is a magnet for thousands of these birds who defecate on the ice and pollute our water when the weather warms up.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Just Two Paychecks Away


“Homelessness isn’t just about housing but everything else. There are often mental health issues, a high rate of addiction or returning from incarceration. They’ve lost their jobs or there is no family support. People don’t realize many of us are just 2 paychecks away from homelessness.”

Patricia Marks
Executive Director
Meeting Ground.
Cecil County, MD
I spent the morning talking to the director of a county homeless program. Having grown up in Philadelphia, I saw homelessness everywhere. But here, in this rural part of the world, it is hidden. People live in tents, tucked away in the woods. They come to Meeting Grounds in the morning for a bowl of cereal and a shower. They’re given a locker to store their things and then they leave for the rest of the day, only to return tomorrow.

Monday, June 20, 2016


North East River
Carpenter's Point, MD

I could be wrong but I think this heron comes back to this spot every day.  I see him every day and he is a welcomed friend.  He stands on this tire for just a few minutes and then he takes off to parts unknown.