Wednesday, December 30, 2015

God Bless???? I Don't Think He Means It.

I found a lost acquaintance on Facebook yesterday and wanted to "friend" him but then I saw this post on his timeline and realized that maybe I just don't really want to reconnect with him.

"OK, now that I have narrowed my FB list down to 22 contacts, I have the following statements to make:
- Obama is the worst President in the history of our country. If you don't agree, then just wait for the fallout from his policies. I also have pledged not to care about politics anymore and to blend in with all of the other senseless, beligerant, uneducated people whose vote counts as much as mine. Ignorance is bliss!

- The other day someone said Happy Holidays to me and I replied back, "Merry Christmas." He said he did not celebrate Christmas. I then told him, "Oh no? Then you're going to hell." I walked out.

- I have learned that my precious few friends and loving family are all I wish to have in my life and that makes me happy.

- I am truly blessed to have such great kids, a supportive and pretty wife, unbelievable parents, a job, a roof over my head, and most of all God in my life. God brings me a peace I never had before, and an understanding that the things of this world are meaningless and short term. I am not what you would call a bible thumper, still like to crack suds at a party, and occassionaly drop the "f" bomb - but have a deeply intense personal relationship with God that I wish everyone had.

God Bless, Merry CHRISTmas, and Happy New Year!"

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Abrupt End of a Football Season

Merry Christmas- A Plea for the Homeless

Operation Christmas Stay!

We would like for our guests to stay inside (and for year-round MRC/ERS staff to get some much needed rest on Christmas Day while they do). Hence, we are asking for volunteers to offer the gift of time. If we get a few more volunteers to volunteer an hour or two, we can keep our guests from spending Christmas morning and afternoon wandering the streets. An awesome family has already volunteered to make a hot and homemade Christmas breakfast in the morning and some more volunteers have claimed their hours. 

All we need are a few more hours filled to complete the bridge to the following day:-- 12:00pm to 4:00pm. If you are available, please contact me by phone or email and let me know what hours you can take. The site is at Wesley United Methodist Church: 41 Justice Way, Elkton, MD.

 Thank you in advance for your consideration.