Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Howling At The Moon

Howling At The Moon
Carpenter's Point, MD
January 2015

Tonight is a perfect night to howl with the moon. So I did.  My neighbors told me to stop howling. I hate them.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Blessings For All

As I walked away from  my car and started down the street, a man stopped me to tell me that I dropped something right outside my car. 

It was my wallet. I was so relieved and grateful. I thanked him profusely. Then he thanked me for giving him this blessed moment to help me. I told him that he had it all backwards: I was blessed.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Dead Fox

As I was driving along the highway today, I saw a man stop his car, pick up a dead fox, stiff with rigor mortis and dump that thing right in the cooler in the back of his pickup truck. Then he just drove off. I wonder what he is going to do with that fox?