Friday, July 31, 2015

Don't Eat It!!!!!!!!!!

This showed up on my plate at Johnnie's Sushi House. I'm glad the waiter told me not to eat this carrot sculpture because I was going to take it home and eat it later.  

"No, no, just for decoration. Don't eat. Many parts are glued."

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Overnight Ground Force

I saw this truck on Route 95, in Newark, NJ.  Who needs immediate Ground Forces?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Searching for Gold

I watched this man for three hours as he searched tirelessly for treasures. As his wand buzzed, he would bend down and pick up sand with his scooper.  He would sift the sand with great vigor and optimism. In the course of the afternoon, he found a dime and a nickel.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

BAZAAR- baltimore

This store is listed in an article about unusual must-see places in Baltimore. So I made a road trip to check it out.  While it was interesting, I wouldn't call it  a must-see place.  There were a lot of oddities but nothing too creepy.  And nothing that I would buy for a friend or myself.

There is a box of photos of men in the early 1920's who have exceedingly large scrotums.  Some of them are larger than basketballs.  While these photos were interesting to look at for the moment, I wouldn't want to pay these photos and have them around my house. looking at the photos for a few seconds was enough for me.

I went here in the late afternoon.  No one else was in the store and the two men who ran the store seemed to be engaged in other activities since there were no customers. I am not sure who would buy most of the things in this store and I wonder how it survives.

An American Family

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Coffee Scrub

The Coffee Scrub

The coffee is coarsely grinned and mixed with “essential oils” I am told. The room is dark and I am not wearing my eye glasses so it is very hard for me to see.  But quickly, I get a whiff of that strong coffee aroma as she rubs my arms up and down several times but then stops just on the brink of feeling rubbed raw.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

An Ambitious Swimmer- LBI, NJ

We found this little turtle (2") by itself in the middle of the bay, in an area void of any rocks or resting places.  I wonder how long he can swim before he dies of exhaustion?