Saturday, June 27, 2015


Cirque du Soleil: The "O" Show- a MUST SEE!!!!!!!!
Las Vegas, NV
June 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A point of view

A Point of View

"The rich need to learn how not to waste money and how to value lives over possessions. The poor need to learn how to get rich because most of them are the nicest, not greedy people. God said the meek shall inherit the earth, not assholes driving fancy cars. The bottom line is freedom went to our heads and we stop caring about God, our country, and some people even their family." 

Chris M. 
a recent convert to Islam
June 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Hallway Traffic

Hallway Traffic

Because we come from so many different parts of the world, hallway traffic at our hotel can be difficult.  As a crowd walks down the hall, the Americans move to the right as the right of way.  The English and the Aussies move to the left.  But when the two groups  enter the hallway from opposite directions, they merge and bump into each other and can’t figure out why the other group can’t get with the program and get the hell out of the way.  The Chinese and the Indians, they are so used to large crowds that they just plow through without any thought or injury to ego.

Washington, DC
Spring 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Piles and Piles of Plastic

I am ready to give up plastic bags, bottles, cups, etc.  When I lived in China, there was a slight charge for a plastic bag.  I wish we imposed that fee consistently in this country.

I wonder what these old bags will become once they are recycled.

The Divine Miss M- PHL June 18,2015

This is the third time I have seen Bette Midler and as usual, she does not disappoint her fans.  At 68, she can still belt it out with a voice full of emotion. Her Ernie jokes are still funny and she has a stage presence that demanded everyone's attention. This was another great show.

Monday, June 15, 2015

We're Both Voting for Hillary

"Bill and I are voting for Hillary.  We're both voting for Hillary in the presidential election",  she tells me.

"That surprises me", I tell her, "I thought Bill was a Republican."

"He is.  But he made me vote for Ross Perot when he ran.  Now it's my turn and I told him I would kick his ass if he didn't vote for Hillary.  We have got to get a woman in the White House.  For God's sake, it's the 21st Century.  That glass ceiling has to be broken once and for all. This is ridiculous."

Friday, June 12, 2015

Hot Sulphur Springs

Some man entered this pool by himself and he just parked right under this waterfall.  After several minutes, his back as beet red.  So he moved up a little bit and let the water pelt his rear end.  At one point, he opened up his eyes and noticed me.  "Oh, do you want to sit under here for a little bit?", he asked with a tone that clearly indicated he did not want to give up this coveted spot.  "No", I told him and he closed his eyes and smiled with relief.

Truthfully, I found this green slime to be gross.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Beetle Kill


"Oh my god, I don't remember all of this beetle kill.  Look at it.  It's devastating.  But really, it's an opportunity for the aspens.  We really need the aspen around here, especially in the fall",  KT tells me. She moves on to another topic before I think to ask her why we need the aspen in the fall.

Rocky Mountain National Park on a beautiful summer afternoon

ELK- Este Park, CO

Monday, June 8, 2015

Boulder, CO- almost two years after the flood

This road is up in James Canyon.  The people who live here have to park on the side of the road which is washed away. Insurance claims, new county regulations and other factors have contributed to this delay in helping families get back to their normal lives.

Raging Waters