Sunday, May 31, 2015

Butterburger????? Really???????

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it," Elias tells me as I make a face, "it's really good.

"Do they actually put butter on top?", I  ask as my cholesterol rises just looking at the photo.

"No, no, no," he tells me, with a tone that indicates my question is ridiculous.  "They grill it in butter and then they pour this really good butter sauce right on top.  Wait, yea, I guess they put butter right on top.  But it's really good.  My friend thought of the idea and the boss liked it.  So now they sell it. this way.  People really like it."

Saturday, May 30, 2015

"His Eyes Literally Popped Out Of His Head"

My friends came down to breakfast one day and noticed that their fish lost an eyeball.  It was floating at the bottom of the tank. The next day, the other eyeball feel out.  "His eyes literally popped out of his head",  Jim told me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

Some days, a little money can buy some happiness. Spending Memorial Day on this big-assed floatation made me so damn happy. This was $100 well spent.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

What Was I Praying For?

What Was I Praying For?

"My father's surgery went as well as can be expected", she tells me.  But she doesn't sound relieved. He is 87 and fragile so this surgery is not the end of his complicated medical problems.

"It's funny", she continues, "this morning I went to church to pray for him and I just couldn't figure out what I was praying for.  Is it time to let him go ? Or do I pray that he makes it through this tough surgery?  And then what?  I don't know what I want for him or me right now."

Philadelphia, PA

Wandering Through America: Conversations, photos and videos of people I  meet and things I see as I wander through America.

Friday, May 15, 2015


 A staggering statistic presented to us at the National CARE Conference on May 12, 2015 in Washington DC.

"It's like two Boeing jets full of women crashing to their death every day," says the presenter.

Wandering Through America: Conversations, photos and videos of people I  meet and things I see as I wander through America.

What Does CR Mean?

"I don't know what the CR stands for,"he tells me. "Maybe Combat Resource, I really don't know.  But I do know one things.  When I'm driving this car, people tend to stay away from me.  No one tailgates me in this car."

Wandering Through America: Conversations, photos and videos of people I  meet and things I see as I wander through America.

The Capital Building Under Wraps

Carmella from Peru

Last year, Carmella received a $100 loan from CARE and it allowed her to do things to improve her life dramatically.  She started a guinea pig farm. She secured a way to access clean water and she paid the loan back. She is now saving money to send her children to school.
She attended the National CARE Conference this week in Washington, DC and thanked all of us for her good fortune. That was $100 well spent.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Old Beach Haven, NJ

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In March, my cousin's wife died unexpectantly.  I went to Long Beach Island for the funeral. But before I went to the funeral house, I drove around the length of this 18 mile  island and found that I was drawn to every old house, longing for the days when everyone was still alive: my parents, my grandparents, the aunts and the uncles. Where did they all go? I wanted to go back to 1972.

At The County Fair

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Not the Best View in South Dakota

Custer's National Park, South Dakota.

the sun is about to set so these guys begin to meander to a quiet spot for the night.  Crossing the road is no problem for them as they travel in herds of about 60 and they bring all traffic to a complete stand still.

Hurricane Sandy- Almost three years later (NJ)

I traveled to Long Beach Island, NJ in March 2015. It was surprising to me to see how many homes are still under repair since the hurricane of October, 2012. I was told that too many people are in dispute with their insurance companies.  The companies claim the damage was due to flooding which is not covered under many policies.  The home owners claim  rain and winds caused so much of this damage.  And so there houses sit, broken, vacate and vulnerable to the next storm.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


The Ale Mary Pub is a great Baltimore  neighborhood tap room that serves food and great beers.  The irreverent theme just adds to the enjoyment of the perfect evening. Due to the irreverence to Mary, the pub is occasionally picketed by offended Catholics.  There are rival facebook pages that defend and condemn this pub. Feel free to pick a side.

This nun watches over the women's restroom.

And he hangs around the men's room.